¡buenos días, dormilona!
9,9 €
¡Un cuento para despertarte con alegría!Mercedes doesn't like to get up early. She wakes up grumpy and doesn't say a peep to anyone. She may looks like she is angry, but she is just a cranky morning person that wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every day. Until her best friend Matilda spends a few days with her. How will Mercedes handle the situation? And Matilda?
Número de páginas :48
EAN :9788491019152
ISBN :978-84-9101-915-2
Año 1ª edición :2023
Editorial :
Estamos en Zaragoza.
En el 28 de la calle San Vicente de Paúl.
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de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 17:00 a 21:00